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20 visible
1 day (boot trip)
Ile Cécembre.
AOK 7, KVA A1, KvGr. Rance, KvUGr. Festung St. Malo, Ile Cécembre, M.K.B. Cécembre / Ostwall, Ra 277.

In front of the harbour at 4km distance of St. Malo and clearly visible from the coast lies the island Ile Cécembre. The island is about 700 meter long and 95 till 280 meter wide and the highest point is 38 meter.
The Germans started to build on the island in 1942 and they stationed the battery 1./M.A.A. 608 with 250-300 man.
The main guns where 6x 19,4cm K.486(f) guns and for the anti aircraft defence they placed 6x Flak 36 7,5cm (f). Of course there was more armour like 2 and 4cm Flak and 7,5cm field guns, several MG's and Granatwerfer and small arms.
More than 14 St bunkers have been built on the island, together with smaller bunkers and many facility buildings and barracks for personnel and services. The water supply for all those solders, they needed about 7500 litres a day was a problem. It had to be supplied from the mainland and collected from roofs into basins on the island.

In Augustus 1944 when the Americans attacked St. Malo, they got also fire from the guns of the island of Cécembre. The guns where placed in open emplacement and could turn 360 degrees and reached 18km's. The island was severely defended and gave the Americans heavy fire and resistance, so they started to gun it from sea together with heavy gunfire from the mainland, in combination with severe bombing with even napalm bombs. Finally the Germans had to surrender on September 2th 1944.

If you are interested in the complete history of the Festung St. Malo and particularly of the island Cécembre and the very interesting research of the island by Hans Sakkers, read his book about called "Festung St. Malo, eindstijd tot het uiterste 5 aug- 2sept 1944" Its in Dutch, but with many pictures, drawings and maps.

We have made a boot trip to the island, but we didn't know that the island is for 90% closed for public. Only a small beach landing strip with a restaurant where you can walk or lie on the beach with many others is open for public.
There is a strong fence standing with warning signs and we got a personal warning of the restaurant/island manager to stay of the terrain ! So that was disappointing and thus we have only pictures from a distance and by far not all the bunkers and emplacements on the island !

2x 622 Twin group bunker.
2x 635 Twin group bunker with forward apron.
1x M158 Emplacement light guns.
3x S302 Ammunition depot.
1x Flak 4cm emplacement.
1x Building for arms repair.
1x Building for the Commanding Officer.
1x Building called "Stevenshaus".(remains)
2x Barrack remains.
1x Tunnel for desalting installation.
1x Fuel pump station.
1x Water storage, stairs towards.
1x Coverage hole.
Xx lot's of remains.
(these are only the objects we could see from a distance)
France, Ille-et-Vilaine, Festung St. Malo, Ile Cécembre.
© bunkerpictures - Flak 4cm and Stevenshaus
© bunkerpictures - East hill